It Starts With Attraction: Episode 113 – Getting Motivated: Setting Goals And Purpose In Life

Every person longs for purpose. If you're seeking fulfillment and contentment in your life, this episode is for you. Tune in to learn how to set goals to move you forward towards your calling while enhancing your self-esteem and overall well-being. Stop letting fear tell you you're not capable. Let motivation set you on the path to follow your purpose.

By |2022-08-02T13:20:18-05:00August 2, 2022|Emotional Attraction, Intellectual Attraction, Physical Attraction, PIEScast, Spiritual Attraction|Comments Off on It Starts With Attraction: Episode 113 – Getting Motivated: Setting Goals And Purpose In Life

It Starts With Attraction: Episode 112 – Powerful Ways To Connect With Your Children

Do you have trouble connecting with your children? Like every day is a battle you can’t win? In today’s episode of It Starts With Attraction, Kimberly speaks with Renaye Thornborrow to provide you with the best tips for developing connection and supporting your children through their own struggles. Learn how to train your mindset and increase your children’s self-esteem, confidence, and happiness.

By |2022-07-26T14:13:19-05:00July 26, 2022|Emotional Attraction, Intellectual Attraction, Physical Attraction, PIEScast, Spiritual Attraction|Comments Off on It Starts With Attraction: Episode 112 – Powerful Ways To Connect With Your Children

It Starts With Attraction: Episode 111 – The Spiritual Side Of Physical Attraction

Do you feel like you're never good enough? Everywhere you look, you're bombarded by messages that tell you, "If you only have this, then you'll be lovable" to the point where you begin question why you even try. If you've begun to resent physical attraction, this episode is for you. Tune in for my tips about ditching the comparison game, shifting your physical attraction motives, increasing your self-esteem, and knowing that you ARE enough.

By |2022-07-19T15:36:16-05:00July 19, 2022|Emotional Attraction, Intellectual Attraction, Physical Attraction, PIEScast, Spiritual Attraction|Comments Off on It Starts With Attraction: Episode 111 – The Spiritual Side Of Physical Attraction

It Starts With Attraction: Episode 110 – How To Live Joyfully Courageous

Kimberly Beam Holmes walks you through her morning routine and discusses why it’s essential to plan your day in this episode of It Starts With Attraction. Failing to plan for your day allows for interruptions that control your day. When your day starts more frantic and hectic, it's harder to get it back on track throughout the rest of the day. Beginning your day with fulfilling activities specific to your needs like reading, Bible time, or working out allows you to start the day on track and energized.

By |2022-07-13T19:39:58-05:00July 13, 2022|Emotional Attraction, Intellectual Attraction, Physical Attraction, PIEScast, Spiritual Attraction|Comments Off on It Starts With Attraction: Episode 110 – How To Live Joyfully Courageous

It Starts With Attraction: Episode 109 – Morning Routines And Why They Are So Important

Kimberly Beam Holmes walks you through her morning routine and discusses why it’s essential to plan your day in this episode of It Starts With Attraction. Failing to plan for your day allows for interruptions that control your day. When your day starts more frantic and hectic, it's harder to get it back on track throughout the rest of the day. Beginning your day with fulfilling activities specific to your needs like reading, Bible time, or working out allows you to start the day on track and energized.

By |2022-07-05T14:18:26-05:00July 5, 2022|Emotional Attraction, Intellectual Attraction, Physical Attraction, PIEScast, Spiritual Attraction|Comments Off on It Starts With Attraction: Episode 109 – Morning Routines And Why They Are So Important

It Starts With Attraction: Episode 108 – Working On Yourself During Divorce

David Mathews, the founder of Spark of Life, joins Kimberly Beam Holmes on this week’s episode of It Stars With Attraction. At Spark of Life, David helps people who have been through divorce deal with their grief. People have a sense of regret when they feel they could have done something different to save their marriage and tend to let self-doubt creep in. The other feeling they might have is resentment if they feel the situation was their spouse’s fault.

By |2022-06-28T13:39:11-05:00June 28, 2022|Emotional Attraction, Intellectual Attraction, Physical Attraction, PIEScast, Spiritual Attraction|Comments Off on It Starts With Attraction: Episode 108 – Working On Yourself During Divorce

It Starts With Attraction: Episode 106 – Do What You Love Without Sacrificing WHO You Love

Plenty of research talks about how a parent's interaction with their child will affect that child's future. It's called attachment theory, which boils down to the consistency and the quality of a parent's interaction with their child. The research shows there are four primary outcomes in attachment theory, but the only positive one is secure attachment. Secure attachment means that the child will believe that mom and dad will always be there when they need them. There are seven characteristics of strong families, the most important being quantity of time, not quality. The question is, what is most important to you? Financial stability is vital for any family, but is there a way to balance your work and family life?

By |2022-06-24T12:47:11-05:00June 14, 2022|Emotional Attraction, Intellectual Attraction, Physical Attraction, PIEScast, Spiritual Attraction|Comments Off on It Starts With Attraction: Episode 106 – Do What You Love Without Sacrificing WHO You Love

It Starts With Attraction: Episode 105 – How To Live Out Your Faith On A Daily Basis with Yasmine Williams Woods

Yasmine Williams Woods became a mother at the age of 14. After being a single mother for years, it was a difficult adjustment to blend her life with another’s when she got married. Now a mother of four, she is on a mission to help women lead lives that prove that love conquers all. She talks about the importance of intentionally making time for God in her busy life. It’s not always feasible to start your day by spending time reading scripture but prioritize beginning your day with Him and worshiping when you can.

By |2022-06-24T12:49:54-05:00June 7, 2022|PIEScast, Spiritual Attraction|Comments Off on It Starts With Attraction: Episode 105 – How To Live Out Your Faith On A Daily Basis with Yasmine Williams Woods

It Starts With Attraction Ep: 12

What exactly is so powerful about prayer? Have you wondered how or why you should build a healthy prayer life and what steps you should take to pray effectively and grow in your faith? Today’s guest, Leighann McCoy, provides wisdom about talking to God and letting Him meet you where you are in your faith. She offers reassurance about our current habits, tips on how to grow in our daily practice of faith, and resources on why we should pray at all. When asked if we should even pray if God already knows the answers, she offers: “God is all about the BIG. But He will also be about all the minute details of our personal lives.”


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