It Starts With Attraction: EP: 47

What is trauma? How can you overcome it? Trauma comes in many different forms such as relational, emotional, societal, environmental, and more. Whether you have experienced trauma or not, it is important for all of us to understand. In this episode, Dr. Karol Darsa shares how to interact and show empathy with those who are struggling with traumatic experiences. If you are trying to overcome trauma in your life or if you would like to understand trauma more, this episode is for you. Dr. Karol Darsa explains what trauma is, how to identify it, and how to heal from it. You do not want to miss today's episode.

By |2021-04-09T17:34:47-05:00March 2, 2021|Emotional Attraction, PIEScast, Spiritual Attraction|Comments Off on It Starts With Attraction: EP: 47

It Starts With Attraction: EP: 46

Today we are talking all about relationships and mental health. Being successful, having successful relationships, and loving relationships all begins with being seen. In this episode, Jadell Lee and I discuss key ways to be seen and improve your mental health. Jadell Lee shares his struggles with mental health, how he overcame those struggle, and key tips to where leadership begins. If you are yearning to feel seen and find a fulfilled purpose in life, this episode is for you.

It Starts With Attraction: EP: 44

More songs, movies, and books have been written about this one thing more than anything else in the world... and that thing is love. Love is what drives us. However, when you ask people, "What is love?" most people wouldn't know how to describe it. We all know there are different types of love. How can you actually quantify it? In this episode, Dr. Joe Beam and I are getting into the real data of what love actually is and how to show it to the people who matter most to you.

It Starts With Attraction: EP: 43

If you don't manage your time... then your time will manage you. Now more than ever, it is important for us to have routines that help us set our intentions of what we want to be focused on every day in our life. That might sound overwhelming, but I'm going to break down my routine to serve as a blueprint for how routine setting works. Listen to today's episode to gain insight to what routines can look like and how you can use them to most benefit you in creating the life that you will love to live.

By |2021-04-09T20:46:29-05:00February 2, 2021|Emotional Attraction, Intellectual Attraction, Physical Attraction, PIEScast, Spiritual Attraction, The Whole PIES|Comments Off on It Starts With Attraction: EP: 43

It Starts With Attraction: EP: 42

Today, we are talking all about women's health. If you are a woman or someone who has a woman in your life, this podcast will give you insight into better understanding women's hormonal cycles. It is really important for men and women to understand what goes on in women's bodies when their cycle is occurring. Dr. Beth Westie has spent years working with women helping them to better understand their hormones, how to eat, how to sleep, and how to be more in line with their bodies' needs. In this episode, Dr. Beth Westie shares how to become more empowered as a woman through understanding your hormones and tips for feeling better during your cycle.

By |2021-04-09T21:03:53-05:00January 26, 2021|Emotional Attraction, Physical Attraction, PIEScast|Comments Off on It Starts With Attraction: EP: 42

It Starts With Attraction: EP: 40

Introverts versus extraverts... Which one is better? We all know there is not one that is better or worse. Although, most of the time in relationships, we act like one is. In today's episode, Kimberly Holmes and her husband Rob Holmes discuss how personality types affect relationships. Listen to this episode to learn different tools to better understand people in relationships.

It Starts With Attraction: EP:37

2020 is finally coming to a close, and you know what? ... We made it! What a year it has been. In today's episode, we are looking back at the five best podcast moments of 2020 from It Starts With Attraction. I'm also going to be sharing some behind the scenes takes with you. Listen to this episode to hear the top tips offered from this year's podcast. Let's dive in!

By |2021-04-12T14:08:27-05:00December 22, 2020|Emotional Attraction, Intellectual Attraction, Physical Attraction, PIEScast, Spiritual Attraction, The Whole PIES|Comments Off on It Starts With Attraction: EP:37

It Starts With Attraction: EP: 36

What can make you happier in life? It isn't more money, fame, or success. It's not a perfect body, the best Instagram pictures, or the most followers on any social platform. It's none of the things that we go crazy trying to achieve on a day to day basis. What really can make us happier in our lives, is how grateful we are for what we have. To bring it a little closer to home, it's how grateful you are in your life with the things that you have that can ultimately make you happier. In today's episode, we are going to talk about how to be grateful and express gratitude.

By |2021-04-12T14:19:50-05:00December 15, 2020|Emotional Attraction, Intellectual Attraction, PIEScast, Spiritual Attraction|Comments Off on It Starts With Attraction: EP: 36

It Starts With Attraction: EP: 35

Stress isn't just a feeling you feel like you might feel sad or happy. Stress is actually the result of a hormonal change that occurs in your body, especially from cortisol. In today's episode, I am speaking with Christa Biegler, an award-winning dietitian nutritionist. Tune into this episode to gain insight into things you need to start changing immediately in order to decrease your stress, decrease the cortisol in your body, and decrease your inflammation in order to better your health.

By |2021-04-12T14:24:58-05:00December 8, 2020|Emotional Attraction, Intellectual Attraction, Physical Attraction, PIEScast, Spiritual Attraction, The Whole PIES|Comments Off on It Starts With Attraction: EP: 35

It Starts With Attraction: EP: 33

I used to think rest was for the lazy. What I ended up experiencing was burnout, adrenal fatigue, complete demotivation, and depression because I had overworked myself. Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith has identified 7 different types of rest of which we should be aware. In this PIEScast, she shares how rest in each of those areas works. As I was having this conversation with Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, I had many "Aha" moments and started immediately making changes to how I was interacting with things in my daily life. Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith shares her new book Sacred Rest and her key tips to recover your life, renew your energy, and restore your sanity. Take a listen to today's episode as I uncover some amazing things for you to know about rest in this conversation with Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith.


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