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So far PIES University has created 234 blog entries.

It Starts With Attraction Ep: 13

What are the signs of a quarter or mid life crisis? David Mathews, renowned grief counselor, addresses this common question and what to do if you find yourself in the midst of a crisis. Mathews defines a mid life crisis as becoming aware of your own mortality. He describes some signs or steps that may show that you are in a crisis or have been in one. Mathews notes that usually a mid life crisis is associated with some loss, so people need to grieve. Mathews shares his philosophy of grief: “To give voice to my pain; give voice to my feelings; I’m not crazy. I’m not weak. I’m not weak in faith.”

It Starts With Attraction Ep: 12

What exactly is so powerful about prayer? Have you wondered how or why you should build a healthy prayer life and what steps you should take to pray effectively and grow in your faith? Today’s guest, Leighann McCoy, provides wisdom about talking to God and letting Him meet you where you are in your faith. She offers reassurance about our current habits, tips on how to grow in our daily practice of faith, and resources on why we should pray at all. When asked if we should even pray if God already knows the answers, she offers: “God is all about the BIG. But He will also be about all the minute details of our personal lives.”

It Starts With Attraction Ep: 11

Do you ever wonder how to design an attractive environment? Do do colors, smells, sounds, and shapes around us truly affect our moods? Do they control our behaviors? According to today’s guest, Dr. Sally Augustin, the answer is overwhelmingly yes! Dr. Augustin has spent years doing environmental psychology research, and she shares today how our moods and behavior are very much influenced by what we perceive in our surroundings. You won’t want to miss today’s fascinating discoveries about how to design each room in your home, office, or at the gym according to the purpose and desired outcomes in the space. Dr. Augustin also shares which of the senses is most powerful and how to set up your space for success! Find out how in today’s episode!

It Starts with Attraction: Episode 10

Could mindfulness be the hidden gem to being happy? What is mindfulness? In this podcast, you will learn the research behind mindfulness and gain an understanding of how mindfulness can benefit you in four key areas- Mind, Brain, Body, and Behaviors. Listen to today's episode to learn ways to apply mindfulness to your everyday life, start dealing with your emotions, be present, and disconnect from distractions.

By |2020-06-15T14:28:22-05:00June 16, 2020|Emotional Attraction, Intellectual Attraction, Physical Attraction, PIEScast, Spiritual Attraction, The Whole PIES|Comments Off on It Starts with Attraction: Episode 10

It Starts With Attraction Ep: 9

Want to know the 3 fruits of a healthy relationship? That’s what we’re uncovering in today’s episode. Have you ever heard that your relationships can only be as healthy as you are as an individual? Hear renowned psychologists and authors Drs Les and Leslie Parrott speak about what people hunger for when seeking healthy relationships and where to start to engage in a healthy, long-term relationship.

It Starts With Attraction Episode 8

Are you able to think about what you're thinking about? Another way to say this is, do you control your thoughts or do your thoughts control you? So many people want to have a positive attitude and form great habits, but we often ignore the most important part of developing any good habit: planning to maintain a positive mindset first.

By |2021-04-12T16:26:08-05:00June 2, 2020|Emotional Attraction, Intellectual Attraction, PIEScast|Comments Off on It Starts With Attraction Episode 8

It Starts With Attraction: Episode 7

Doing a Whole30 is about so much more than food...it's about creating boundaries and finding food freedom. But most of the time, we turn to food to help us overcome or hide uncomfortable feelings. So many of us use food as a coping mechanism that food-related illnesses hit at an all time high. Recognizing this weakness, Melissa Urban created a Whole30 program that is designed to give its participants freedom from the bad habits and poor choices our diets have created.

By |2021-04-12T16:28:56-05:00May 26, 2020|Physical Attraction, PIEScast|Comments Off on It Starts With Attraction: Episode 7

It Starts With Attraction EP: 6

Here is the best exercise for you to do to see the biggest results in the least amount of time. When you know you need to get in shape but you’re not sure where to begin, the task can seem overwhelming. Fitness expert Jerred Moon breaks things down on an individual level based on a mental “sticking power” assessment he provides to all of his clients. Moon suggests only one new habit at a time is necessary to begin an effective fitness routine, and often this habit revolves around improving nutrition.

By |2021-04-12T17:24:14-05:00May 19, 2020|Physical Attraction, PIEScast|Comments Off on It Starts With Attraction EP: 6

It Starts with Attraction: Episode 5

Do you know the real myths and truths about fat loss? If your recent attempts at fat loss have resulted in negative physical results, you may not understand exactly what your body truly needs. Over the past several decades, so much information about health has been short-sided and generalized to the point that our current common knowledge base on nutrition may actually be harming our bodies’ systems and prohibiting weight loss or healthy lifestyles.

By |2021-04-12T17:34:07-05:00May 11, 2020|Physical Attraction, PIEScast|1 Comment


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